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API Methods

All API methods follow the same calling conventions.


Method Description
api.test Checks API calling code.


Method Description
auth.test Checks authentication & identity.


Get/Set Kazola's channel, trigger, action information.

Method Type Description
PostRegister Post Creates a channel.
PostTrigger Post Creates a channel's trigger.
PostAction Post Creates a channel's action.
GetRegister Get Gets a channel.
GetTrigger Get Gets all triggers developed.
GetTrigger Get Gets all triggers of a Channel.
GetAction Get Gets all actions registered.
GetAction Get Gets all actions of a channel.
PutRegister Put Edits a channel.
PutTrigger Put Edits a trigger.
PutAction Put Edits an action.


Get/Set/Edit User Recipes.

Method Type Description
PostRecipe Post Save a recipe.
GetRecipe Get Gets all user's recipes.
PutRecipe Put Edit's a recipe.


Methods applicable to all e.g recipes, channels, trigger & actions.

Delete Get Deletes recipe,channel,action or a trigger
GetById Get Gets a specific recipe,channel,trigger or an action


Method Description
emoji.list Lists custom emoji for a team.


Method Description
files.comments.add Add a comment to an existing file.
files.comments.delete Deletes an existing comment on a file.
files.comments.edit Edit an existing file comment.


Get info on files uploaded to Slack, upload new files to Slack.

Method Description
files.delete Deletes a file. Gets information about a team file.
files.list Lists & filters team files.
files.revokePublicURL Revokes public/external sharing access for a file
files.sharedPublicURL Enables a file for public/external sharing.
files.upload Uploads or creates a file.


Get info on your team's private channels.

Method Description
groups.archive Archives a private channel.
groups.close Closes a private channel.
groups.create Creates a private channel.
groups.createChild Clones and archives a private channel.
groups.history Fetches history of messages and events from a private channel. Gets information about a private channel.
groups.invite Invites a user to a private channel.
groups.kick Removes a user from a private channel.
groups.leave Leaves a private channel.
groups.list Lists private channels that the calling user has access to.
groups.mark Sets the read cursor in a private channel. Opens a private channel.
groups.rename Renames a private channel.
groups.setPurpose Sets the purpose for a private channel.
groups.setTopic Sets the topic for a private channel.
groups.unarchive Unarchives a private channel.


Get info on your direct messages.

Method Description
im.close Close a direct message channel.
im.history Fetches history of messages and events from direct message channel.
im.list Lists direct message channels for the calling user.
im.mark Sets the read cursor in a direct message channel. Opens a direct message channel.


Get info on your multiparty direct messages.

Method Description
mpim.close Closes a multiparty direct message channel.
mpim.history Fetches history of messages and events from a multiparty direct message.
mpim.list Lists multiparty direct message channels for the calling user.
mpim.mark Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel. This method opens a multiparty direct message.


Method Description
oauth.access Exchanges a temporary OAuth code for an API token.


Method Description
pins.add Pins an item to a channel.
pins.list Lists items pinned to a channel.
pins.remove Un-pins an item from a channel.


Method Description
reactions.add Adds a reaction to an item.
reactions.get Gets reactions for an item.
reactions.list Lists reactions made by a user.
reactions.remove Removes a reaction from an item.


Method Description
rtm.start Starts a Real Time Messaging session.

Search your team's files and messages.

Method Description
search.all Searches for messages and files matching a query.
search.files Searches for files matching a query.
search.messages Searches for messages matching a query.


Method Description
stars.add Adds a star to an item.
stars.list Lists stars for a user.
stars.remove Removes a star from an item.


Method Description
team.accessLogs Gets the access logs for the current team. Gets information about the current team.
team.integrationLogs Gets the integration logs for the current team.


Get info on your team's user groups.

Method Description
usergroups.create Create a user group
usergroups.disable Disable an existing user group
usergroups.enable Enable a user group
usergroups.list List all user groups for a team
usergroups.update Update an existing user group


Method Description
usergroups.users.list List all users in a user group
usergroups.users.update Update the list of users for a user group


Get info on members of your Slack team.

Method Description
users.getPresence Gets user presence information. Gets information about a user.
users.list Lists all users in a Slack team.
users.setActive Marks a user as active.
users.setPresence Manually sets user presence.